Getting started

django-import-export-extensions is based on django-import-export package so it have similar workflow and interfaces. If you already worked with original one, you can check Migrate from original django-import-export package section to start using background import/export.

You can also read the django-import-export documentation to learn how to work with import and export.

There are simple examples to quickly get import/export functionality.

Test app model

Here is simple django model from test app that we gonna use in the examples above.

from django.db import models

class Band(models.Model):

    title = models.CharField(

    class Meta:
        verbose_name = _("Band")
        verbose_name_plural = _("Bands")

    def __str__(self) -> str:
        return self.title


The resource class is a core of import/export. This is similar to forms in Django, but provides methods for converting data from a file to objects and vice versa.

django-import-export-extensions provides CeleryResource and CeleryModelResource classes. Here is an example of simple model resource

from import_export_extensions.resources import CeleryModelResource

class BandResource(CeleryModelResource):
    """Resource for `Band` model."""

    class Meta:
        model = Band
        fields = [

This resource already allows you to import/export bands the same as original package. But to start importing/exporting in background it’s necessary to create ImportJob/ExportJob objects.

Resource classes just modified to interact with celery, but workflow is the same. So if you want to know more, read Resources and Import data workflow sections of base package documentation.

Job models

Package provides ImportJob/ExportJob that are core of background import/export. This models stores parameters and result of import/export. Once you create an instance of the class, the celery task will be started and the import/export process will begin.

Example of creation:

from import_export_extensions import models
from . import resources

file_format_path = "import_export.formats.base_formats.CSV"
import_file = "files/import_file.csv"

# Start import job
import_job = models.ImportJob.objects.create(

# Start export job
export_job = models.ExportJob.objects.create(

print(import_job.import_status, export_job.export_status)  # CREATED, CREATED

These models are also registered in Django Admin, so you can see all information about created jobs there.

Admin models

To import/export using celery via Django Admin, use CeleryImportExportMixin for your admin model and set resource_class class attribute

from import_export_extensions.admin import CeleryImportExportMixin
from . import resources
from . import models

class BandAdmin(CeleryImportExportMixin, admin.ModelAdmin):
    """Admin for `Band` model with import export functionality."""
    list_display = (
    resource_classes = [resources.BandResource]

There are also CeleryImportAdminMixin and CeleryExportAdminMixin available if you need only one operation in admin. All of these mixins add status page to check the progress of import/export:


A screenshot of Djagno Admin export status page

Import/Export API

api.views.ExportJobViewSet and api.views.ImportJobViewSet are provided to create appropriate viewsets for the resource

from import_export_extensions.api import views
from . import resources

class BandExportViewSet(views.ExportJobViewSet):
    """Simple ViewSet for exporting `Band` model."""
    resource_class = resources.BandResource

class BandImportViewSet(views.ImportJobViewSet):
    """Simple ViewSet for importing `Band` model."""
    resource_class = resources.BandResource

These viewsets provide the following actions to manage ImportJob/ExportJob objects:

  • list - returns list of jobs for resource_class set in ViewSet

  • retrieve - returns details of job for passed ID

  • start - creates job object and starts import/export

  • cancel - stops import/export and set CANCELLED status for job

  • confirm - confirms importing after parse stage. Only ImportJobViewSet has this action.

There is also drf_spectacular integration so if you have this package configured the openapi spec will be available.


A screenshot of a generated openapi spec